Make your food choices from the provided lists. Meat/Poultry, Fruit/Vegetable, Bread/Dairy and Miscellaneous.
Click on a food item to add the item's associated Calorie and Fat contents. The Calorie and Fat Counters will reflect the choices made. The default is 100 grams per item but this can be switched to 10 grams , 25 grams , 50 grams ,150 grams, 200 grams, 300grams or 1 Pound as required.
Every choice made is added to the Dietlist. In Dietlist view the user can click on items to Deselect them. These Deselections will be reflected by the Calorie and Fat counters.
The choices finally decided on can be printed out using Window's Notepad.
To add your own items to the lists use the Editor and Add your items in the boxes provided and then click the Add Items to Lists button. Make sure that you add the Calorie and Fat contents in their boxes opposite the item. The Calorie and Fat content should be for 100 grams of the item which is the default amount.
To delete a Food Item just Highlight it and press the Delete food item button. the corresponding Calorie and Fat entries will automatically be removed at the same time.
Your Changes will be automatically saved.
The Calorie and Fat contents provided are reasonably accurate but no more than that. The Calorie Counting program is meant to be a guide only.
People considering going on a diet should consult their Doctor first.
The recommended daily calorie intake is 2500 for Men and 2000 for Women.
Similarly 95grams of fat per day for Men and 70grams per day for Women.
The Calorie and Fat counters will change to red and flash when these recommendations are exceeded.
Calorie Checker is Freeware. I hope it proves useful to you. Use at your own risk.